“We do this for your health and wellbeing, and for the continuation of the species.”

Climber looking at mountain

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is in full swing. The Utopians have implemented their master plan for the New World Order. For most, life is a toil. They toil to keep the massive citadels operating with their greenhouses for synthetic food production, the pods for accommodation and constant monitoring for everyone’s wellbeing. A lucky few spend their days in the orchards, vineyards and grazing lands that surround the citadels. Their toil produces the fresh meat, vegetables, fruits and fine wines for the tables of the elites. Another group spend their days hauling that fresh produce to the furthest reaches of the galaxy, to the compounds and settlements of the elites.

What started as a standoff, is now a way of life. Most now live a lie. Most have even forgotten their forebearers where at war. Being ruled by an iron fist is the normal state of things. For a small number, the resistance, it is a completely different story. They grow stronger and bolder. Yet, their activities are largely ignored by their enemy. That is about to change.

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Book 1 - Double Take

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She is a keeper. Her day is spent outside the citadel tending to the fences that protect the farms lands. Unknown to the overlords that run the citadels, she has skills not typical for someone mending fences.

He is a haulier. He is about to secure his first captaincy. He works hard and keeps his head down. His true past is about to be revealed to him.

Events have just been set in motion. These events will merge their paths. Together they are about to become a major problem for those that rule.


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Book 2 - Convergence

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She knew she didn’t know everything about what was going on. That was an advantage at times. However, she had just discovered things that had caught her completely off guard. The truth about her friend and mentor of thirteen years, being the most obvious. But it wasn’t the only thing. Nor was it the only thing on her mind. The kiss was there too.

He was also in a place of confusion. It wasn’t enough that he and his crew had narrowly escaped being blown up. It wasn’t enough that he had just lost his rig and therefore his livelihood. It wasn’t enough that he had just discovered things about his world that rocked him to his core. It wasn’t enough that he had been walked into leading a rescue mission that would put him and his crew in grave danger. No, on top of all of that, he had just discovered that he had a mother, and she was out there somewhere. And there was the kiss.


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Book 3 - Regneration

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The revelation of his true identity left him with more questions than answers. Accidentally assuming command of a heavily armed intergalactic spacecraft was already a lot to process. Now, these additional mysteries complicated his decision-making. Moreover, he had just been informed of something akin to a miracle, a stark contrast to what he thought he knew about his past.

Discovering a prophecy that linked her fate with loved ones had been shocking enough. However, the revelation of a binding miracle took it to another level of unease. The warrior that she is, would face an unprecedented trial.

Their quest for answers heightened their awareness of a malevolence lurking in the shadows—an evil rooted in psychotic, eugenical, and anti-human ideologies.


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Bradley Allen

Bradley Allen is a novelist who also works as a facilitator and coach to support his writing career. He began his corporate journey in the early 1990s and transitioned to facilitating and coaching in 2014. In 2018, he started his writing career. Bradley holds an Advanced Diploma in Personal and Executive Coaching, a Master's in Business Administration, and a Bachelor of Science.

Bradley's writing is futuristic, honest and brutal at times. He hopes to bring focus to that which matters most: Love, choice, and truth.

Bradley’s writing is influenced by the likes of Gregg Hurwitz, Michael Connelly, Lee Child, J. K. Rowling, J. R. R. Tolkien, Isaac Asimov amongst others. He is a big fan of Dr. Jordan B Peterson’s approach to engaging effectively in life, William Whitecloud’s approach to opening the mind and Fred Kofman’s approach to cutting through the B.S.

Hailing from the vibrant city of Perth on Australia's west coast, Bradley now resides in a quaint village in County Cork, Ireland. As a devoted father of five, his writing is deeply rooted in his own experiences of love, loss, growth, and hope. Bradley's formative years, spent in various locations including Libya, Sydney, Perth, and a rural town in Western Australia's wheat belt, greatly influenced his outlook on life. His professional journey began with a multinational company in a remote mining community, and he later worked and lived in Sydney, London, and Dublin. His extensive experience in one-on-one coaching and large group facilitation has allowed him to immerse himself in diverse cultures across Europe, Asia, Africa, and North America.

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Why this? Why now?

Climber looking at mountain

Why this and why now, you may ask. Well, let me answer that.

Time is a gift. A gift that is precious and beautiful. A gift that must be opened immediately as it comes by once only. Missing the opportunity of that gift is a travesty. Lacking in or having the absence of hope is one sure way to miss that opportunity.

I chose years ago, to use this gift to help others make the most of it too. In the space between, I love, learn and write. I do this all in the hope that we return to our truth.

In my work as a professional coach, I see countless examples of good intentioned people getting abused and taken advantage of, by talentless grifters and psychopaths. As a father I see a system hell bent on corrupting the future of my children with ideological nonsense, conceived, and propagated by cowards, and bad actors.

The story that I am labelling ‘Rule of Twelve’, told over three books, presents a story of hope and love, built on traditional values in a world where even the needed linguistics have been erased. The books are based in the future. Roughly two hundred years ahead. The books present the outcomes of a world driven to the brink by the followers of the Identitarian, New Puritan, and Utopian related ideology.

The books include a splattering of my professional knowledge of relationship building. I build it into the story as the characters get to know each other and fight to keep their emotions and urges in check. In doing so, I am trying to answer in my own mind several questions. These questions include: Can hope be brought back as the dominant mindset? Can belief in courage, self-restraint, fairness, and wisdom be restored as corner stones of one’s approach to life? Can belief in the importance of family be restored in today's young adults? What will help turn the tide on hedonism as the primary driving factor in the goals and ambitions of today's youth? What will help society return to recognition of individual strengths rather than immutable characteristics as the primary factor in recruitment and promotion? What will help bring the youth back to belief in the higher power, that something that is greater than themselves, the one that they must, above all else, hold themselves accountable to?

The books are written from the perspective of the two main characters, Marr and Dukk. Marr is a keeper. Someone who helps produce fine foods and wines for the elites. Her day job is just a cover. She is a trained warrior and part of the resistance. Dukk is a haulier, the new captain of a ‘rig’, a small intergalactic freight spaceship. His job is to haul the fresh produce to the furthest reaches of the galaxy, to the compounds and settlements of the elites. He is street smart and aware of the unfairness of the world, but he is not part of the resistance. They are brought together by forces unseen. Grander plans are afoot to restore balance. Others have put them at the centre of that plan. They learn pieces of that plan as the story unfolds. However, at the core of the story is relationship building. Dukk and Marr build a relationship over the course of the books as they venture into the galaxy to solve a mystery and combat the worst types of evil. Their relationship draws on traditional values, even though that fact isn’t known to them. Their story is overlayed with other core characters, primarily the rig’s crew. I use these other characters to present concepts that are both in contrast and aligned with traditional values.

There is still hope and I look forward to sharing my works with you.

Bradley Allen

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